
Rebels and Glamour.


the punk subculture was the prime culture to come out of 1970’s. Punks where associated with trouble, they wore studs, doc martins, ripped denim, and mismatched patterns, not to mention t-shirts with at the time taboo wording. Vivienne westwood was partly to blame for these now famous t-shirts as she used the punks to get recognised for standing out. She became established as the ‘rule breakers’ walked round with ripped tshirts forwarding obscene words which back then was unthought of. i love learning about the punks as my uncle was one, he had a mohican, dyed his hair crazy colours, and went round causing trouble, unfortunatly i couldnt get any photographs of him in time to put on my blog but here are a few images from the 70s in which i find relevant and interresting:







fleetwood mac one of my all time best bands came about in the 70s containing the originals this was when soft pop/rock was new.




Image  typical prints



Although thought to be 60’s the hippy movement was still taking place and didnt dye down till the late 70’s.

Androgyny also came out when the civil rights movement went into place, sexuality was not kept under wrapped and big names such as david bowie and prince came out with their sexuality, Giorgio Armani used ‘ mens fabric and shapes’ in one of his woman collection at the time, and famous named woman started wearing suits and tailored jackets which then where thought to be ‘ what men wear’.

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